Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome Back Readrunner

Last year, I was introduced to running and fell in love with it. As a result, I have discovered my other passion in life which is writing. I started a blog on running, http://readrunner.blogspot.com and even managed to write a book about running and spirituality. I would say that I have entered a point in my life where I began to yearn for something else other than a successful career. I was drawn to read books like "From Success to Significance" by Lloyd Reeb; "The Alchemist, The Pilgrimage, Brida and The Fifth Mountain" by Paulo Coelho; I began to write down my vision, personal mission statement in life, listed down the important goals that I wanted to achieve... in short, I had a midlife crisis in a positive note. All these happened, I believe, because the spiritual part of me was stimulated by the physical exercise that my body experienced.

Today, I woke up at just before 7:00am and felt the need to go out and push my body once more. The last time I ran was six months ago. I definitely missed it. My body felt so sluggish and unprepared so I decided that I will just go out for a walk. The sky was cloudy and the neighborhood was still quiet. I can just hear the chirping of the birds and even the sounds of the cricket. Occasional cars would pass by. As I walked to my favorite street where our dream house stood, my mind went back to the vision that I have written six months ago... and now, I just saw its fulfilment.... "I run every morning in an enclosed subdivision where our dream house is located." I read my vision and mission statement everyday believing that it will hasten the process of its fulfilment. At that time, I was simply thinking of a private, enclosed subdivision in the Philippines. That was why in the early part of January, my husband and I started to look for a house in an enclosed subdivision. Then I got the immigrant visa schedule and we were caught in a whirlwind. When we decided that we will go for it, I felt ill at ease reading the vision and mission statements because I could not visualize this in the US.

But now, as I was walking in this wonderful neighborhood, I was simply astounded. God gave me something better. The sidewalk was well maintained and meant for walking or running, the lawns are well kept with no high concrete fences, the air was crisp and clean, there were no dogs or dog poops... then I remembered that vision statement. It is so queer that even when the mind cannot conceive it, the heart that believes achieves it all the same. There are still many part of that vision that have yet to be fulfilled but now, as I saw the first part come into fruition, or almost fruition I am once again motivated to read my vision and mission statement everyday again. And I am also moved to put back an exercise routine so I can get back into my running form. For now, the only running that I did was the last two minutes of the 20 minutes that I was out because then, it started to rain. My goal today was to simply break in my body and walk briskly. But the running that I did uphill ignited that desire once more to run.

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