Thursday, November 12, 2009

Staying On Track, Not Getting Sidetracked

The temperature was 5 degrees Celsius and there was frost on the grass. But the sun was out and the sky was so blue. It was also my day off. So after bringing the kids to school, my husband and I headed to our favorite running trail. It was actually in the middle of a golf course and airport for small private jets. As always, we spend the first mile of warm up doing briskwalking while praying the rosary. At exactly one mile or less, we finish five decades and begin to run.

I love these moments with with my spouse, with nature and with God. These are precious moments which I believe we should strive to keep. I was actually thinking of picking up hours at work because I only did 7.5 hours yesterday. I am just happy that I did not give in to that "temptation". I don't think money could buy these moments. These are the times that my husband and I keep in touch with our own personal journeys and share our dreams with each other. These are also moments that we lift these dreams to God for Him to bless us and our family. These are also moments when He speaks to us through the beautiful creation around us.

Just last week, I felt sad looking at the trees losing their beautiful leaves. Now, most trees are just bare skeletons of trunk and branches. But I also noticed that with these changes, the sky was more colorful. I saw a sunrise of pink and soft purple in hue. I also saw sunsets of bright orange and flaming red in the horizon. It's as though nature is trying to compensate for the loss of colors in the leaves.

Then I realized that God was simply pointing out to me that there is not a creation of His that is not good. Everything is good. We only have to learn to adapt our sights to what He sees. Instead of looking at the bare trees, we should look at the blue sky behind it. Then the tree reveals an entirely different beauty of its own against the clear, blue sky. I also began to appreciate the numerous blessings behind the challenges of living in the US.

The lack of maids is a blessing. My husband and I began to know our children in more personal terms. We have learned how to deal with their individual quirks and even appreciate their unique characters. We have grown closer as a family. The 3-day long hours at work are blessings. I saw the kind of husband I have who is so supportive and would not hesitate to give me the most wonderful hand and foot massage in the world. The income-less 4-days off is a blessing as well. These are the times that I am able to do the things that keep me grounded and on track.... like running with him. These are the times that I am able to nurture my spirit and spend more time with my family. These are also the times that I listen to the soft whispers of the spirit within.

Everything has a purpose. Everything has a beauty to reveal. It is just a matter of disposition and attitude. And the best way to remain in that positive attitude is to discover the things that opens up your mind and your spirit to the positive energy around you and to keep on doing these things. For me these are running, writing, reading and praying. For as long as I maintain these in my life, everything else falls into place.

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